Faster than light

video full HD | 10’13’’| 2015

Faster than light

video full HD | 10’13’’| 2015

This video, commissioned di Fondazione Del Monte, Bologna for Lyda Borelli Retirement Home For Italian Dramatic Artists, focuses on the delimiting phases of existence, infancy and old age. It discovers that magic creatures, which enable us to overturn society, certainly exist. The intent is to identify the particular human being who has the ability and the ambitions to break the imaginary, emphasizing the disappearance of life.

The resistant body of elders becomes the truthful testimony of time. In this work, aged bodies are considered as a witness of survival and custodian of will: the experiment compares infancy and old age within an interpretative dimension that considers the body, the future, the past and the present through chiromancy.

I would like to underline the sense of responsibility and intensity that only children can have, placing them in a dimension of global and authentic vision of the world. In this passage of the video, time  disappears and is no longer important.
