The Forgetting of Air

ongoing performance 2016 | 6 performers, 1 steam machine, 5 meters of metal tube | 60 min performance

The Forgetting of Air

ongoing performance 2016 | 6 performers, 1 steam machine, 5 meters of metal tube | 60 min performance

In this performance, conceived for Italy as a gate of Europe, the material shared between the audience and the performers is air itself. Breathing is the first individual autonomous action that brings life into being, as the end of breathing marks its absence. Starting from a research around the figures at the margins of society, the work grounds in the idea of air as territory of exchange a reflection on the contemporary migration processes.

The performers, who left their countries risking, in some cases, their life in sea waters, share with the audience their breath as a flow of meaning. The proximity and distance in a space filled with steam and in a time marked by their breathing and its potential interruption, contained in a voice that remains, resounds and shares the same air with us. 

The performance has a site specific aspect: everytime we perform in a city, I invite some refugees to join the group of performers. The intention is to build a group of performers made of people coming from different countries (e.g. Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Africa, Kurdistan, etc…), including both professionals and non-professionals.

The composition of the group aims at building a deeper relationship with the audience, which plays an important role in the performance: this latter goes on for more than an hour and people are invited to define the time they want to stay, being free to enter and leave the space when they want. In this way, the audience is invited to take part in a process of sharing, where they decide what they want to share and for how long.

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